Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Check out our new Jiangxi children!!!!

We have been really slacking on posting new blogs since returning from our China trip in the spring and we apologize for keeping you in the dark about our new waiting child program.

As mentioned in the previous posts, we are working with 3 orphanages in Jiangxi province in helping place their waiting children. Most of the children are exclusive to AAC and we are given some time to place them with their forever families. Since starting this program the majority of the children have been infants or toddlers. We have even matched children as young as 6 months. The average age is 12-18 months. Some of these children have minor medical needs and some are more complicated.

Basic information and photos of all of our children are posted on our website. This week we will be posting 11 more children online. Six of these children are special focus & five are non-special focus. Special focus children can be matched with families anywhere in the paperwork process even those who have not yet started. Non-special focus children on the other hand must be matched with families who have a comleted or nearly completed dossier. AAC does accept dossier transfers if the current agency is in agreement.

If you haven't visited our website lately now is a great time to do so! Check out all of these adorable wonderful children

Oh and by the way...all of our waiting children have grant assitance available for their adoption. Call our office for more information about grants.

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